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Caractérisation, Propriétés Physico-chimiques, Qualités Microbiologiques et Valeur Thérapeutique de Quelques Miels de l’ouest Algérien

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dc.contributor.author AHMED Moussa
dc.date.accessioned 2018-11-11T09:17:43Z
dc.date.available 2018-11-11T09:17:43Z
dc.date.issued 2014
dc.identifier.uri http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/1079
dc.description.abstract The search for natural products with biological properties is of great importance in the medical field. In this context, honey is a potential source of such products. So far, very few studies on the characterization of Algerian honey have been performed. We started our work by determining the botanical origin and the physico-chemical composition of ten (10) samples of honeys from western Algeria. Quantification of total flavonoids and total polyphenols was carried out using the Folin-Ciocaltheu and the aluminum chloride methods respectively. Evaluation of antioxidant properties was conducted by two techniques commonly used: DPPH radical scavenging and reduction of iron (FRAP). The inhibitory activity was evaluated on bacteria (Gram + and Gram-) and two yeasts using four methods (well, disc, spectrophotometer and incorporation in agar). This activity was compared to that of synthetic antibiotics. Finally the additive effect with potato starch and turmeric starch was evaluated. Within the 10 samples tested, the mélissopalynologic analysis revealed three unifloral honeys: Eucalyptus, Citrus and jujube, while multifloral honeys are predominantly Asteraceae and Rhamnaceae. The physico-chemical parameters results show that all honeys meet international standards. Quantification of total phenols and flavonoids shows the richness of honey in polyphenols, whose content varies between 63.93 ± 0.11 and 128.87 ± 0.97 mg gallic acid equivalent (EAG) / 100 g honey, and flavonoids expressed in equivalent catechin (EC) are of the order of 5.41 ± 0.04 to 21.77 ± 0.46 mg CE / 100g. All the honeys Studied were found with conclusive antioxidant properties. For the four methods, Gram + bacteria were more sensitive than Gram - bacteria to the action of honey. Regarding yeasts, Candida albicans has proved to be insensitive to both techniques (discs and wells), while we noted a marked inhibition by using spectrum method (70.09% -93.48%). Rhodotorula sp. proved to be slightly sensitive (5.65%) to highly sensitive (99.7%). the additive effect with the two types of starch was conclusive. en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.subject Honey/ Algeria/ Physico-chemical proprieties / Antioxidant activity/Antimicrobial proprieties en_US
dc.title Caractérisation, Propriétés Physico-chimiques, Qualités Microbiologiques et Valeur Thérapeutique de Quelques Miels de l’ouest Algérien en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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