The coastal marine ecosystems of Mostaganem, like all the coastline of the Mediterranean Sea, are a fragile space, vulnerable, limited and coveted. It is the environments were increasingly affected by human activities and by increasing urban density level scores, which discharge their waste into coastal marine waters, and causing an intense ecological pressure on these marine environments. To this end, several bioindicators from benthic macrofauna are widely used in the evaluation and monitoring of the quality of the marine environment.
It is within this context that the present study is carried out. It is based on the assessment and identification of benthic macrofauna of the rocky shores of the intertidal coastal area of the Wilaya of Mostaganem where no study have been undertaken on rocky shore. Thus, three stations were selected namely : Stidia, Kharouba and Hadjadj. The evaluation of the ecological quality of these sites was performed using biological indices such as the statistical descriptors [richness (S) Abundance (A) Dominance (D) and diversity indices (Shannon Wiener Index (H') and equitability index of Pielou (J')]. We chose to test the environmental quality of these stations, using the test of the larval development of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus, a species widely used for this type of analysis.
The obtained results reveal that the faunal populations are characterized by a diverse organization in a healthy state at both stations of Stidia and Hadjadj. Whereas Kharouba station shows the first signs of damage and disturbance .