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Enseignement de l’oral dans la classe de FLE Entre pratiques de classe et manuels scolaires Cas de: 3ème année moyenne en Algérie

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dc.contributor.author Nekhouet Belaleug Abdelkader
dc.date.accessioned 2018-11-17T10:37:44Z
dc.date.available 2018-11-17T10:37:44Z
dc.date.issued 2012-05
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/1912
dc.description.abstract Teaching / learning of the oral remains conflicting and liable to the constant reconstructions between reforms and approaches which can be taken by the MEA (Ministry of Education Algerian).Thus, evoking an exponential equation and discomfort for teachers of the French as foreign language when they teach the oral. To solve this equation, and to understand the misuse of the textbook of the FFL (French Foreign Language) within its relation to learning and teaching practices, and to the school context in which they are realized, we attempted to conduct a research which is based essentially on the teaching of the oral production in the intermediate education level. We were interested in the studying of the importance of this activity in the teaching of the French as foreign language in the third year of the intermediate education, and the related didactic textbooks. This research is based on a triple analysis; the first one examines the learners oral performances collected during the recordings of the oral production activities. This first analysis is prior to the setting up of the experimentation. It will be followed by a similar analysis of data collected during a personal interview carried out with the teachers at the end of the experimentation. The third one examines the conception recorded in the textbook of the third year of the intermediate education which is the participant subject in this experimentation. en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.subject Didactic of the oral - Teaching/ learning of the oral - Textbooks –Sociolinguistic – Classe’s practices – Communication en_US
dc.title Enseignement de l’oral dans la classe de FLE Entre pratiques de classe et manuels scolaires Cas de: 3ème année moyenne en Algérie en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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