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العلاقة بين التكوين الإعلامي الأكاديمي و تشكيل الرؤية النقدية لدى طلبة علوم الإعلام و الإ تصال د ا رسة ميدانية أجريت على طلبة علوم الإعلام و الإتصال في جامعات: الجزائر – قسنطينة - مستغانم

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dc.contributor.author بن نونة نادية
dc.date.accessioned 2018-11-27T08:08:23Z
dc.date.available 2018-11-27T08:08:23Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/2714
dc.description.abstract In this research, we tried to identify the relationship between the academic media formation and the formation of a critical vision among the students of information and communication sciences by linking the objectives of the media formation with the elements of the monetary vision. Therefore, we raised the general question: Have a student of information science and communication? And we relied on the study of this relationship between the two concepts on 3 variables: media specialization, level of study, and professional practice, to crystallize 3 sub-questions are as follows: - 1What is the relationship of media formation to the formation of the media critical vision of the student of information science and communication according to the variable media specialization? -2What is the relationship of media formation to the formation of the media's monetary vision in the student of information science and communication according to the variable level of study? -3What is the relationship of the media formation to forming the media's monetary vision in the student of information science and communication according to the variable of media practice? The first hypothesis is that there is a relationship between the media formation and the formation of the monetary vision according to the variable of media specialization and the second: that there is a relationship between the media formation and the formation of the monetary vision By level of study. And the third says that there is a relationship between the composition of the media and the formation of a critical vision according to professional practice. In order to verify the validity of these hypotheses, we relied on the descriptive approach, relying on the questionnaire tool for students in the media, which was distributed to the sample of 500 students from 5 different media disciplines: media, written journalism, audiovisual, scientific journalism, media and society. By the professional level, to students who practice the media profession and students of the media profession. Thus, the random sample was obtained by dividing the research society into strata according to the variables of the above study, at the University of Mostaganem, Constantine and aljeria. This study resulted in a number of results to show that there is a very strong positive relationship between the university media formation and the critical vision of the student of information science and communication. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject media formation, critical vision, media and communication science studentAndand en_US
dc.title العلاقة بين التكوين الإعلامي الأكاديمي و تشكيل الرؤية النقدية لدى طلبة علوم الإعلام و الإ تصال د ا رسة ميدانية أجريت على طلبة علوم الإعلام و الإتصال في جامعات: الجزائر – قسنطينة - مستغانم en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US

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