We are surrounded by rich diversity colour in our daily life, we all like wearing colourful
clothes, who can imagine among us our world in black and white? Clothes, flowers, rainbow,
foods, animals, all remain in black and white; what kind of life would it be? Hence colours are
very important in our life. This described beauty can hide harmful impacts in the background,
where these colours are produced, if these issues wouldn’t be immediately solved, this can
lead definitively to a disaster and transform the world not only to black and white but to a
polluted world where future generations would suffer from damages caused unintentionally
with the pretext of replying to the high demand, which requires high production. In other
words and as Saint Exupery said: “we do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we merely
borrow it from our children”. It is a responsibility before being an issue to resolve, as
explained above, colours are important in our life , but their production needs not only a huge
amount of water , but produces at the same time incredibly a high level of pollution, it is a
matter of water pollution or more specifically, the sector meant here is textile wastewater
production. The main concern of this thesis is to deal with a Model Textile Dye Wastewater
(MTDW) in a combined process anaerobic-aerobic treatment to membrane filtration
technology (MBR) by testing and comparing the performance of commercial available
membranes (nanofiltration NF and ultrafiltration UF) to the novel antifouling membranes
prepared in the frame of BioNexGen EU Project ( www.bionexgen.eu). The choice of this
subject is based on several reasons, one of the most important is that Algeria is long regarded
among MENA countries, as a land suffering from water scarcity, at the same time having
great and active textile industry sectors that consume water and hamper the environment. On
the other hand biological process proving being not only efficient but also economically
cheap, but alone is not enough since this step is regarded as the first treatment stage, where
COD and BOD levels are reduced, therefore the combination with the membrane filtration
technology in order to discard the rest of the pollutant compounds.
The choice of this subject is based on the fact that, textile industry in Algeria constitutes one
of the main activities in the manufacturing sector , what leads to a huge water consumption,
and consequently a high loaded wastewater effluent that needs being treated either for reuse,
or for discharge respecting the legal environmental regulations. For instance the industry in
Béjaia (a coastal town in Algeria) is growing quickly and discharges around 80.000 m3 every
day with a large part contributed by the textile industry (Merzouk et al., 2008). This is an
example that illustrates how pressing it is to study more efficient and economical water
treatment process in this sector.
This thesis represents a scientific collaboration between the University of Mostaganem,
Algeria and the Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences, Germany. The whole experimental
work has been conducted at the Karlsruhe University that offered the ground for profound
research in the field of “Membrane Bioreactor (MBR) technology for textile wastewater
treatment”, which is regarded as a promising , efficient and sustainable process, providing a
sufficient water quality for reuse (Judd et al., 2003). The MBR technology is a combination of
the biological degradation process and membrane filtration technology (micro- and
ultrafiltration, MF, UF) and it has proved to be very effective in a variety of cases especially
for high strength and low-biodegradable wastewater as in the case of textile wastewater.
However, up to now textile wastewater treated by aerobic MBR typically could not comply
with the reuse standard due to its high colour concentration, and therefore combination of the
MBR with a downstream nanofiltration (NF) or reverse osmosis (RO) process is proposed,