Title : The standardization of the intermediate level (otis-lennon) test for
mental ability, version (j) on a sample of students of middle school in Sidi
Belabbes, ALGERIA.
Objectives of the research: The objective of the current research is to find a
valid mental ability test in the four levels of the middle schools in Sidi
Belabbes. This will be done by identifying the psychometric characteristics of
the test after applying it on research sample, and identifying the
characteristics of item’s test, and then extract standards of performance of the
sample members.
The sample: The sample was constitute of 1148 students from 06 middle
schools in Sidi Belabbes, in the age category of (12-15years), utilizing the
random method for selecting the sample.
Research tools: The main of this search is to validate the otis-lennon test for
mental ability version (j), and utilizing RAVEN to find concurrent validity.
Research findings: In order to answer the research questions, a number of
statistical analyses were conducted, where it was extracted the coefficient of
validity (factor analysis, internal consistence, concurrent, discriminate), and
the coefficient of reliability (internal consistence with KR20, reapplication,
split-half), as it has been extracted the indicators of items (difficulty,
discrimination), special performance standards for students were obtained for
each level and age school category.
The findings concerning our study :
- has a good degree of validity.
- has a good degree of reliability.
- has a good degree of efficiency