In the last few years Algeria witnessed a wide economic openness because of challenges and the economic transformations in all over the world, this economic openness affected many institution especially the media organisations which are now faced a new era of media openness in front of the properties, as a result of these movements many TV channels which treat the Algerian daily life is began broadcasting.
These private TV Channels created a kind of interest from the businessman and investors in order to market their products and services through the TV publicity which led to the existence of publicity campaigns exposed daily to the Algerian public.
The publicity campaigns contain behavior and scenes embodied comedians in a publicity film, so the publicity message comes in a light comic image based on psychological and social factors and their peculiarities of the receiving public, that is why can transform the consumer behavior.
There is no doubt that the publicity message contain ideas, ideologies and different cultures which reflect also the announced strategies and values, this later it may be conflicting with the social local culture.
The culture comes light and advocacy in the publicity message in addition it can be easy to save in the receiver memory by the repetition and undoubtedly the foreign culture can also stays in the audience minds.
Through watching publicity gleams in the Algerian Private TV Stations, we see the product in duplication of appearance and culture which assimilate in consommation way because when we get a product we buy a value and a way of living, and here can touch the reality that invites us to adopt such a way of thinking and living that can take us away from behavior and values of the Algerian public.
This cultural representation in the TV’s publicities oblige us to treat, study and analysing the communications publicity in The Algerian Private TV Stations and discover its impact on the Algerian society with objective scientific method work on applying the native Algerian culture in the publicity gleams.