Through time, the development of the internet network contribute into increasing its importance as well as its users. However, the importance of the internet is not based only on exchanging the information ,but it is used also as means for seeking change in the world, this mainly through one type of media that is provided by the internet.As a result, this leads to different connotations to this kind of media, the specialists tend to name this as the new media .As one type of this new media is facebook ; which is defined as virtual community consisting of friends ,relatives ,family and different social classes to share their common interests. Also, it helps them to get in touch with each other at any time,place they want and desire .Furthermore, to build relationships and in the sametime to show their opinions freely .In this current research we deals with the role of facebook as means of social communication that permits its users to show their political view as well as to participate in the political affairs in Algeria .Moving further this study tends to describe and analyse the role of social media and facebook in the life of its users in the Mostaganem city from different perspectives. This study is carried out to see how this site contributes into change as well as how its users depend on it to draw their political map further from the traditional media. Using the analytical and descriptive method ,our findings is based on a sample of 20users of facebook as representatives of different cities in Mostaganem.The result shows that the internet ,on general, is an important means which is highly used to get in touch with the current news as well as facebook in particular contributes highly into spreading the political awareness to perpetuate the notion of citizenship.In addition to that it leads it users to get involved into
different social organization as well as it provides them withfreedom which is mainly absent in previous and traditional media .