Our study focuses on fat mass distribution body shapes type as measured to determine their effect on skeletal
muscle strengthening lumbar extensors (upper and lower limbs) where our background confirms that every girl
has a natural body type of rectangle, apple, pear, or hourglass. It is good for her to know which type of body
shape she is, so she can learn what exercises to do, whereas similar studies suggest that it is much better to
challenge weight problems with exercise and dietary measures before resorting to figure shaping. For this purpose,
our study was carried out with a total of thirty students, females listed in the Institute of Physical Education and
Sport, University of Mostaganem, aged between 20 and 23 years; their homogeneity was based on age, sex, and
academic specialty, classified based on the body mass index (BMI) into two groups (normal and overweight) and
based on their body shape's type into three groups (9 pear shape, 10 rectangle shape, and 11 hourglass shape)
as a protocol experimental to examine the impact of fat mass distribution body shapes type on lumbar extensor
strength. Based on our data analysis, we confirm that the pear and the rectangle shape affect the strength lumbar
extensors due to body weight distribution which increases the risks relating to the skeletal muscles. Weight gain
is a factor contributing to the weakness of skeletal muscles. However, the body shape explains the anomalies of
the distribution of fat mass and BMI risk observed in our sample in the lower and upper part of the body recorded
by the values of Killy test and endurance of trunk, the case of the pear and the rectangle shape back pain, which
are consisting in excess of the body fat distributed in comparison with less percentage of muscle mass. Whereas
this difference can affect the pelvic position.