From time to time, it is important to pause and take stock. Drawing from over a decade
of applied experience in professional sport, this keynote aims to take a snapshot in
time and discuss both applied successes, and failures, of performance analysis. Using a
variation of a SWOT analysis approach, the keynote will address the broader strengths,
weaknesses opportunities and threats that apply to this dynamic discipline.
Modern technologies have aff orded analysts and coaches to explore performance
and its associated data with increasing levels of scope and detail. With both software
and hardware becoming fi nancially more accessible, the opportunities to analyze
performance have never been better. However, the translation of this analysis and
data must provide meaningful insights or changes in behavior to render it worthwhile.
The current levels of data produced have not always been met with the same levels of
competency to optimally assimilate and fi lter the information.
The role and scope of the professional performance analyst itself is ever evolving.
Governing bodies, teams and educational institutions are now employing an ever
growing number of performance analysts in their organizations. In professional sport,
the role of the performance analyst is often poorly defi ned with large role variances from
sport to sport and even within a sport itself. The role of the performance analyst is not
regulated in the same manner as strength and conditioning, medical and nutritional roles
within sport. This leads to its own set of human resource challenges.
The keynote aims to provide an evaluation of the discipline from an experiential
viewpoint, discussing both the personnel and technological challenges alongside the
growing opportunities, that exist for the performance analyst in 2018.