Our study aimed to different methods of sales forecasting to clarify and compromises between
them and choose appropriate method which gives values for sales of high quality. It is in order to
achieve the desired objective of the study, and dividing our work into three chapters, where he
treated the first chapter theoretical foundations of forecasting in general and in particular sales
forecasting. The second chapter, we talked to was the amount of methods and quality of sales
forecasting, and how to evaluate and choose a method to predict. The third chapter, and it was
then the case of some quantitative methods and then choose the method that provides the
highest quality to predict the sales organization. And we tried as much as possible during the
study of the application to take advantage of available information. And we can say that the
study of subject is just an attempt to put a scientific methodology to streamline Almarssh uses,
and can be regarded as a fundamental axis of the sales forecast in the company's size.