The field-effect transistor MOSFET (Metal oxide Semiconductor Field Effect Transistor), as a
building block of the integrated circuits, is the principal engine of the industry of the semiconductor.
The reduction of the size of the components is not enough anymore to guarantee better performances
while reducing the manufacturing cost. In order to continue the increase in the performances of the
devices all while maintaining the classical architecture of MOSFETs, several solutions were planned
during this evolution.
We will present the recalls theoretical of the MIS structure and the MOSFETs devices and their
technology of manufacture.
The objective of this study is to highlight by simulation the effects of the short channels in
transistors MOSFET due to the reduction of the size of the devices, and to study the parameters being
able to influence the variation of these effects. To conclude we can affirm that this work was very
beneficial to us, because it enabled us to use one of the most powerful software and most used
simulation throughout the world TCAD-SILVACO.