This research work is an attempt to shed light over the importance of learner affect in every foreign-language-classroom activity. It is meant to show that learner accommodating affect is a prerequisite for involvement, engrossed enterprise, and success in foreign language learning, English in particular. Learner affect is approached through the broad humanistic approach and analyzed into psychological idiosyncratic traits, situational states and reactive emotions that the learner has, conceives or demonstrates in particular foreign language learning settings.
The study continues with the way affect conditions the way-in of the language input, accompanies linguistic data processing to see how it affects its different phases and then cleaves to the language acquisitions when stored in learner memory.
The theoretical insights tracked in the first and second chapters are, in the last phase of the study, put to empirical demonstration in English language classes. A questionnaire is established on purpose so as to shed light on the affective components of the individual learner to demonstrate the way these components directly bear on English language learning.