The aim of this research endeavour is to present how poetry may be taught in EFL
classroom. To some extent, Poetry could help to develop learner’s knowledge of English
language. It can be used to teach structure, grammar and vocabulary. Additionally, poetry
could introduce learners to various shapes of the English language. However, poetry
teaching/learning should be enriched by effective investment of both time and efforts just to
develop learners’ related competencies about the English language. Poetry as literary genre
could have various educational values. In a way or another, students will have different
viewpoints about language use. In fact, students will go beyond the known standard usages
and conventional rules. Thus, they will be motivated and so open to explorations and different
interpretations. Aside from these benefits, using poetry to teach English in the Algerian
context can also promote creativity. Therefore, this dissertation examines in details the most
influential aspects in teaching poetry. Firstly, it introduces learners to patterned and deviated
items within Thomas Dylan’s poems. Those poems are analysed stylistically just to figure out
such items. Secondly, it represents poetry teaching situation as well as learners’ attitudes and
effects behind poetry classroom by studying the case of LMD first year teachers and students
in the Foreign Languages department at Abdelhamid Ibn Badis, University in Mostaganem.
For this purpose, various research instruments were used: a questionnaire, a structured
interview, and classroom observation. Those methods are to obtain the necessary data from
the sample population selected for this investigation. The findings unveiled that students are
interested with poetry but still suffer from difficulties. Accordingly, the final step suggests
some practical recommendations just to wake up poetry teaching/learning situation