Is known as the Almighty God to create in the human instinct to own property, so we find must have the stuff and does not like to alienate them easily, and accordingly we find human possesses movables and real estate dramatically, which are considered the most important element in the financial discharged, but during the course of his life a person may weigh his shoulders debts, it is difficult in some cases, a response in the agreed maturities, putting his property to the risk of seizure by creditors in order to recover their money from it, in the case of the efforts they receive it failed amicably, so it is booking another way resort the creditor to get his money, after it was excluded from the field of physical coercion civil implementation under Article 11 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 1966, and which was ratified by Algeria in 1989.
And it has been a legislator regulates booking incomplete manner and sometimes mysterious within the Code of Civil Procedure, but then canceled it in 2008 was detailed and clearer procedures within the Code of Civil Procedure and administrative, as he Department of Real Estate Book to drugs defamatory and other unregistered.
So focused my studies this on the dedicated section of the book on unregistered real estate where labeled the sale of unregistered real estate in accordance with the Code of Civil and Administrative Procedures Algerian, and to study to be followed from creditor party to get his money without Maat debtor through booking and selling estates auctioned legal proceedings. So I put the following question: How effective are selling unregistered real estate auction brought by the legislator within the Code of Civil Procedure and Administration in facilitating the creditor for Omulh of the city with preserving the dignity of the latter actions? .
And to answer this question divided the subject into three sections, devoted to the implementation of the introductory section on unregistered real estate, as addressed in the door the first booking on unregistered real estate procedures, and exposed in the second door to the sale of the property reserved by auction and the implications of it.