The Effectiveness of CBT in Changing Non-functional
Thoughts for Youth people whoAttempted Suicide
The currentstudyaims to show the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioraltherapy in changing non-functionalthoughts in young people who have attempted suicide to functionalthoughts and reducetheirdegree of depression.
In thisstudy, wefollowed the clinicalapproach, whichisbased on a case study, througha set of guided and semi-directedclinical interviews. Weusedresearchtoolsrepresented in the guided and semi-directedclinical interview, the Young Cognitive SchemesScale, the Beck Depression Test, as well as the cognitive-behavioraltherapy program, on a studysamplethatconsisted of six (06) cases of young people aged 20 to 35 years, dividedbetweenThree males and threefemales, all of themhadfailed suicide attempts.
Based on whatwasmentionedabove, the results of the studyshowed the following:
1- Young people who have attempted suicide have nonfunctionalthoughts and thiswasrevealed by the Young Cognitive SchemesScale.
2- Non-functionalthoughts in young people who have attempted suicide contribute to the emergence of depression and thiswasconfirmed by the Beck Depression Test.