This study aims to know the impact of total quality management on the competitiveness of the
economic institution,and theextent to which GMC Corporation applies theconcept of total quality
management, and to study the relationship between TQM and competitiveness. To achieve the
objectives of this study, a questionnaire was submitted to the head of the quality management
department in the corporation. This was for the purpose of answering the questions of the study
and testingits hypotheses.Thestudyconcluded that GMC Corporation is generally concerned with
the dimensions of total quality management, where the highest level ofapplication wasassociated
with the support and commitment of the senior management, followed by the focus on the
customer,and then the concept of continuous improvement of operations.The study also showed
the presence of A strong significant correlation between all dimensions of total quality
management, and indicators of competitiveness. The study recommends increasing focus on
applyingall dimensions of total quality, payingattention to strategic studies related to markets, and
economicvariables,and continuouslyidentifyingcompetitors' situations.