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سياسة الحوافز وعلاقتها بالرضا الوظيفي

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dc.contributor.author حمادي محمد سنوسي, بريكي لمياء إيمان
dc.date.accessioned 2022-10-13T10:54:52Z
dc.date.available 2022-10-13T10:54:52Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/21919
dc.description.abstract Through our study of the issue of incentives policy and its relationship to job satisfaction, where the problem of this study was as follows: does motivating workers lead to achieving their job satisfaction in the Sonatrach Corporation, and through this problem a set of sub-questions were raised and a set of hypotheses were proposed, in order to answer the The problem posed and the verification of the validity of the proposed hypotheses from the theoretical and practical sides. Through this study, we concluded that the material and moral incentives have a relationship to achieving job satisfaction with the worker in particular and the performance of the institution in general, since through the institution’s adoption of an effective system of incentives, which is required in this system to be distinguished by objectivity, justice and equality in addition to To credibility during the process of providing incentives, the latter will lead the employees to exert more effort and carry out the tasks entrusted to them with effective and highly efficient performance, in order to obtain those incentives provided in order to meet the daily requirements. And through the field study conducted at the Sonatrach Compound CP1Z, we found that this 79 institution does not provide a system of incentives, through which the institution can improve the level of performance of its workers en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject incentives, material and moral incentives, job satisfaction, incentive system en_US
dc.title سياسة الحوافز وعلاقتها بالرضا الوظيفي en_US
dc.title.alternative CP1Zدراسة حالة تطبيقية بسونطراك مركب بيتروكيميلئية en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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