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La pêche récréative dans la région de Mostaganem

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dc.contributor.author YAHIA PACHA, Ratiba
dc.contributor.author HENNI, Hayat
dc.date.accessioned 2022-11-16T09:03:38Z
dc.date.available 2022-11-16T09:03:38Z
dc.date.issued 2022
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/22485
dc.description.abstract At the end of this work, essentially devoted to the study of recreational fishing and its statistics in western Algeria along the coast of Mostaganem. The work was divided into three main parts: A census of official statistics on the fishing activity in the region of Mostaganem and its evolution through time, in order to characterize the major changes in this sector and to focus on recreational fishing and its impact on the marine ecosystem. A survey was carried out among recreational fishermen, in order to characterize the recreational fishing community, the characteristics of the fleet and the fishing activity carried out on the marine ecosystem. The survey is carried out by means of a questionnaire with three main parts: Social profile of the fisherman, Characteristics of the fleet; Fishing activity and its characteristics. The survey reached recreational fishermen working at the level of the port of Salamandre and Sidi Lakhdar as well as on the stranding sites: Stidia, Oureah and Bahara beach. A field monitoring was carried out in the eastern part of the coast of Mostaganem at the level of the Aachacha stranding site, as well as in the port of Salamandre (western part), where we monitored the landings of some recreational fishermen during the period from May to July. This fishing activity is practiced mainly by boats of 4.8 m using a multitude of fishing gears and which target different species belonging to the zoological groups: Osteichthyes, Chondrichthyes and Mollusks, of which we counted a total of 18 species caught grouped into 10 families. en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.subject Recreational fishing en_US
dc.subject West Algeria en_US
dc.subject Mostaganem en_US
dc.subject species caught en_US
dc.subject Osteichthyans en_US
dc.subject Chondrichthyans en_US
dc.subject Mollusks en_US
dc.title La pêche récréative dans la région de Mostaganem en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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