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Effet du système alimentaire et la duré de conservation sur la qualité nutritionnelle et organoleptique du beurre issue du lait de vache fabriqué selon un processus artisanal

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dc.contributor.author Larbaoui, Abdelkarim
dc.date.accessioned 2018-11-25T10:36:20Z
dc.date.available 2018-11-25T10:36:20Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/2268
dc.description.abstract This work is interested in studying the effect of diet and lasting conservation of the quality of butter manufactured traditionally. The butter was made from the milk collected from two region (Zemoura and Aïn Nouïssy ) . The research was carried out using two factors namely; food (concentrate, green fodder) and conservation of hard has a refrigeration temperature of 4 ° C (D0 to D21). Biochemical analyzes of the butter concerned the dry matter, water and saponification , as well as the evolution of the peroxide value , acid value and the degree of lipid peroxidation (TBARS ) , also analyzes physicochemical and microbiological milk have harvested was conducted to ascertain the state of the milk. The diet factor and conservation is a highly significant effect ( P <0.01) on the indices (peroxide , acid saponifaction ) and lipid oxidation (TBARS ) of butter during the period storage of the product. The results show an evolution of peroxidation of the butter in two areas of D0 to D21 with (7.33 μg to 29.3μg) for the region Zemoura and increased (14.65μg to 29.96μg) to the region of Aïn Nouïssy . Thus , we see an increase in acid value ( 0.88mg to 1.12) in the butter from a concentrate -based diet ( Zemoura ) and ( 0.68mg to 1.07mg ) for butter coming from a feed from concentrate and green fodder ( Aïn Nouïssy ) , hence the evolution we observe a lipolysis (TBARS ) 7 times for butter in both regions. Regarding the butter saponification , the results allowed to infer that diet influences the saponification , the content is higher in the butter of the region Aïn Nouïssy and which are 64.51mg / g , knowing that the content of the saponification value for butter of Zemoura region is 35.05mg / g. A high content of total phenolics was recorded in the methanol extract is concentrated (39.11 mg OCT / g MS) against (31.90 mg OCT / g MS) for the extract of green fodder. According to the DPPH test , the results showed that the extract of the concentrate has a better inhibitory anti -radical activity of DPPH with the lowest IC50 ( 18,04mg / ml ) followed by green fodder which extract inhibitory anti -radical activity of DPPH is IC50 ( 18.53mg / ml). Regarding sensory analysis shows that the butter of Zemoura has a white color and smell and taste nice knowing that the butter of the region Aïn Nouïssy has a yellow color and smell and taste rancid. en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.subject beurre en_US
dc.subject conservation en_US
dc.subject système d’alimentation en_US
dc.subject peroxydation en_US
dc.subject l’analyse sensorielle. en_US
dc.subject butter en_US
dc.subject conservation en_US
dc.subject power system en_US
dc.subject saponification en_US
dc.subject peroxidation en_US
dc.subject sensory analysis en_US
dc.title Effet du système alimentaire et la duré de conservation sur la qualité nutritionnelle et organoleptique du beurre issue du lait de vache fabriqué selon un processus artisanal en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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