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دور النقل البحري في العملية اللوجيستية

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dc.contributor.author بوراس, زهرة
dc.date.accessioned 2023-06-18T10:01:06Z
dc.date.available 2023-06-18T10:01:06Z
dc.date.issued 2023
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/23658
dc.description.abstract This study, which we conducted, aims to know the role of maritime transport in the logistic process, and to know its reality in Algeria, its problems and challenges, and the great importance it occupies in moving trade relations between countries. This topic and keeping pace with the development and its importance in facing the challenges of the times. The field lurking that we did at Mostaganem Port Corporation also helped us understand the importance of logistical operations, especially in operations related to goods such as shipping, unloading, handling and storage, as they need good planning, organization and distribution to maintain their safety and quality. During this study, we touched on two theoretical chapters, each chapter includes three topics, in which we presented the concept of each of logistics and maritime transport and the role of transport in 'logistics', and an applied chapter through which we did the field study, we relied on the descriptive and analytical approach in theory, while the applied side we used the analytical statistical approach , And we concluded that maritime transport is an effective and important activity and has a major role in logistic operations, but this sector in Algeria is witnessing weakness in management and exploitation and its failure to keep pace with global development. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject logistics_maritime transport –logistics operations –Moltimodal transport –containers –Charging and discharging en_US
dc.title دور النقل البحري في العملية اللوجيستية en_US
dc.title.alternative دراسة حالة ميناء مستغانم en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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