هدفت الد ارسة الى اقنتراح برنامج تاهيلي لتقويم الإنحراف الجانبي للعمود الفقري و التعرف على انح ارفات العمود الفقري عند تلاميذ المرحلة الابتدائية .
استخدمت الطالبة الباحثة الاستبيان و البطاقات التقنية تحت برنامج مقترح لجمع البيانات للتوصل الى مجموعة من الاستنتاجات .
• للتمرينات الرياضية اثر في التصحيح القوامي و الحد من زيادة التشوهات القوامية
• يعتبر االإنحراف الجانبي للعمود الفقري التشوه الاكثر شيوعا في التشوهات القوامية عند هذه الفئة العمرية ) 9 – 12 سنة ( .
•للبرنامج التاهيلي المقترح دور في تقويم افنحراف الجانبي للعمود الفقري .
• الانح ارف الجانبي للعمود الفقري ليس مرضا وارثيا .
• الانح ارف الجانبي للعمود الفقري لا يعيق التلميذ من ممارسة الرياضات المختلفة .
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A healthy body is one of the most basic pillars in a person’s life, throughstrength A moderate and healthyindividualis able to buildglory, revive legacy, and engage in various types of activities Physicalitythathelpshimbuild a strong body free fromdistortions, distortions and diseases And confirmedmanystudies on the mechanics of movement in the human body and
On the basis thatitworkspermanentlyagainst the Earth'sgravity and a situation arises
The continuous tension of gravity and the differentresistance of the body to it. And throughthisresistance
The body will have amoderate or badappearancethat affects the generalshape of the body and itsability to
Discussing and analyzingresults
Performinghisdailyneeds and detecting the deformationearlyisconsideredrecentlyamong the most important
Topics of interest to researchers in variousmedical sciences. This is due to
The manybenefits of earlydetection of cases of scoliosis and deformities of the spinebecauseitis a treatment
Deviations or deformitiesearlyhelpsreduce the proportion of injured people and helpsspreadawareness
Health to quicklytreat the condition.
It isevidentthat the postural deformities and deviations are a matterthatdeservesfurtherresearch and study
Especially in the period of adolescence, because of the importance this stage represents in the educationalprocess
To the individual and his aspirations for the future.
Weconducted a study on lateraldeviation of the spine and itseffect on the child as suggested
A program to correct thisdeviation, as werelied in ourstudies on knowledge and concepts
The theorythatconcernsthisfield in a detailedway, as wedealtwith a fieldstudy
With the aim of achieving the study in the field to compare the resultsobtainedwith the hypotheses.
In thischapter, we have collected the expert materialthatflowsinto the core of the studydividedinto:
Threechapters. In the first chapter, wedealtwithrehabilitation and its types. The second chapter
Contains spinal deviations, and the thirdchapterincluded the age group
Middle childhood.
As for the fieldstudy, wewanted to implement the proposedrehabilitation program for evaluation
The remains of the spinewerebent, but due to the Corona pandemic, primaryschoolswereclosed and stopped
The studyWehad to ask questions of any questionnaire regarding the topic of ourresearch on a group of
Discussing and analyzingresults
Experts in the field of rehabilitation and a group of professors of physicaleducation, and after discussion and
Analyzing the obtainedresults, wearrivedat the validity of the hypotheses.