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Contribution à une analyse biochimique et écologique du ver marin (Annélides, polychètes), genre Ophelia (Savigny, 1822) inféodé la zone intertidale de la plage de Sidi-mejdoub.

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dc.contributor.author Ahmed Salem, AHMEDOU
dc.date.accessioned 2024-09-11T10:08:25Z
dc.date.available 2024-09-11T10:08:25Z
dc.date.issued 2024-06-27
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/26628
dc.description.abstract This work aims to provide knowledge on the population dynamics and biochemical analysis of a marine annelid, genus Ophelia (polychaeta: Opheliidae), living in the sandy intertidal zone of the west coast of Mostaganem. In this meaning, the station was the subject of spatial sampling using the 25x25cm quadrat, in fact 1096 annelids were sampled over the course of four months from the month of February until May 2024. species is described by a short size, segmented, swollen anteriorly, ends in a prostomium, the body and provided with biramous parapodia marked by a deep furrow limited in certain region. The results of analyzes show a relationship of the sex- ratio is (1:1), that the population is composed of a size class between [7.00-52.00]mm whose most dominant size class is between [19.00-20, 00]mm The mode structure and multimodal type with dispersion of cohorts of the order of 05 classes. The value of the density shows 137 Ind/m² whose maximum abundance is February. Allometric growth and type: W = 6e-05x2.39. The growth is 49.58 mm; The biochemical analysis highlighted a rate of total lipids of 0.38% in a gram of sea word tissues. en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.subject Opheliidae en_US
dc.subject Population Dynamics en_US
dc.subject Ecological en_US
dc.subject Inter-Done Zone en_US
dc.subject Sidi-Mejdoub en_US
dc.title Contribution à une analyse biochimique et écologique du ver marin (Annélides, polychètes), genre Ophelia (Savigny, 1822) inféodé la zone intertidale de la plage de Sidi-mejdoub. en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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