هدف الدراسة : معرفة واقع الاعداد البدني للاعبي كرة القدم فرق الدرجة الثالثة الثالثة جنوب غرب .
مشكلة الدراسة :ماهو واقع الاعداد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة القدم في القسم الثالث بـأندية الجنوب الغربي ؟
التساؤلات الجزئية :
ـ هل مستوى الاعداد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة القدم في القسم الثالث يرجع الى مستوى الكفاءة المعرفية للمدرب ؟
ـ هل مستوى الاعداد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة القدم في القسم الثالث يرجع الى الوسائل و العتاد التدريبي والدعم المادي ؟
ـ هل مستوى الاعداد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة القدم في القسم الثالث يعود لكيفيات الاعداد البدني في الفريق ؟
فرضيات الدراسة :
الفرضية العامة : هناك محدودية في مستوى الاعداد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة القدم في القسم الثالث بـأندية الجنوب الغربي
الفرضية الجزئية :
ـ الوسائل العتاد التدريبي والدعم المادي لهم دور في مستوى الاعداد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة القدم بالقسم الثالث
ـ لكيفيات الاعداد البدني في الفريق دور ايجابي في تطور مستوى الاعداد البدني لدى لاعبي كرة القدم الدرجة الثالثة ا .
ـ هناك نظرة نظرة ايجابية لدى المدربين لتطوير في مستوى الاعداد البدني من خلال المستوى والكفائة المعرفية للمدرب لدى لاعبي كرة القدم في القسم الثالث بـأندية الجنوب الغربي
ومن خلال ما تم التوصل اليه نوصي ب :
ـ توفير حيز علمي للدراسات المستقبلية انطلاقا من هاته الدراسات الحديثة
ـ تفعيل التبادلات العلمية عبر الاستخدام الامثل لوسائل ووسائط الاتصال والتواصل بين الجامعات ومراكز البحث والمخابر التابعة للكليات وبين النوادي
ـ ضرورة التكفل المادي الامثل بالفرق واللاعبين وتوفير الجو المناسب لدى هاته الفرق في الدرجة الثالثة خاصة الجنوب
ـ توفير الوسائل والعتاد والامكانيات اللازمة قصد الرقي بالمستوى البدني والمهاري .
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Studay summary
Study title : “ The reality of the physical preparation of football players in the third division teams in the south
A survey conducted on third –tier clubs in the south-West “
The aim of the study : to know the realit of physical preparation of football players in the third division teams in the south
The problem of the study : What is the reality of the physical preparation of football players in the third division in the southwestern clubs ?
Partial questions :
Is the level of physical preparation among football players in the third division due to the level and cognitive competence of the coach ?
- Is the level of physical preparation among football players in the third division due to training methods equipment and financial support ?
- Is the level of physical preparation among third – class players due to the physical preparation methods in the team ?
Study hypotheses
General hypothesis : There is a limited level of physical preparation among football players in the third division of the southwest clubs .
Partial hypotheses :
- Training methods equipment and financial support play a role in the level of physical preparation of football players in the third division.
- The physical preparation methods in the team have a positive role in developing the level of physical preparation among third –class football players .
- There is a positive outlook among coaches for the development of the level of physical preparation through the level and cognitive competence of the coach among the football players in the third division of the southwest clubs
Study procedures : Sample : A random sample. Which consisted of 15 coaches from the third –tier teams in the southe , We took into account the percentage method ( 30% ) in selecting the sample .
Spatio-temporal field : coashes of southwest clubs . adrar , bashar , el-beidh……ets The study extended from January 2024 to April 2024 .
Approach : We used The descriptive approach because it is most appropriate for such topics and subjecting the study to careful analysis
Tools used in the research : questionnaire from with trainers ,including closed questions .
Physical preparation has a role in developing the physical qualities of players and diversification in trainin metods has correlation with the development of physical qualities .
Training methods equipment , and financial support play a rol in the level of physical preparation of football players in the third division .
the physical preparation methods in the team have a positive role in the level of physical preparation among third-class football players .
- There is a positive outlook among coaches for the development of the level of physical preparation through the the level and cognitive competence of the coach among the football players in the third division of the Southwest clubs .
South , and based on what has been achieved , we recommend
- Providing scientific space for future studies based on these studies .
Activating scientific exchanges through the optimal use of means of communication and communication between universities , research centers and laboratories affiliated with colleges and detween clubs .
- The necessity of providing optimal financial support for the teams and players and providing optimal financial support for the third division .
Especially the South .
- Providing the necessary means , equipment and capabilities in order to improve the physical and skill level .