The relationship between practicing physical and sporting activities and
academic achievement levels among primary school students
The study at hand aims to try to find out the relationship between the practice of
physical and sports activities and the levels of academic achievement among
primary school students. To do this, we followed the descriptive approach, as the
study sample consisted of 30 male and female professors of physical education
and sports in the primary stage. We used the questionnaire tool, and we used it
to convert... The data was divided into statistical results, coefficients (honesty,
reliability, and Pearson’s simple correlation coefficient). The most important
results of the study were that the students’ intelligence level improved c ompared
to the first day of their practice of physical and sporting activities, and that the
largest percentage of teachers, representing 73%, agreed that the students had
the ability to High on dealing with exams and assignments in a smooth and easy
way. As for the most important suggestions and recommendations, the beginning
was the necessity of the administration motivating the students through various
sports activities to raise the students’ achievement, and providing the various
means necessary for sports activities within educational institutions to achieve the
educational goals required to reach good academic achievement.