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Evaluation du Volume de la Biomasse Aérienne de l’Olivier –cas des oliveraies de Sig de la Wilaya de Mascara

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dc.contributor.author HADJKADDOUR, Atika
dc.date.accessioned 2018-12-03T13:31:34Z
dc.date.available 2018-12-03T13:31:34Z
dc.date.issued 2016
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/4324
dc.description.abstract For the environment, the tree is an essential and vital to maintaining the global ecological balance. Among its many functions, it has a large plant biomass storage capacity in its various parts, such as under leaves, structures, branches, twigs, twigs and roots. And thus its absorption capacity of atmospheric CO2, it constitutes a reservation or a considerable carbon sink. Therefore, it contributes in some way to play a buffer role in maintaining the balance of greenhouse gases responsible for global warming. Among the trees, the olive tree which is well represented in several regions of Algeria as GIS (Wilaya of Mascara) was chosen in this study to assess the importance of biomass. The methods of zoning and direct measurements on the olive tree have allowed the following results: To facilitate counting tree plots and the determination of areas of recent, a division of the region delineated six study areas. Between 2005 and 2015, an increase of approximately 11% in the number of land is to report to the whole region, the equivalent of 561.4 ha, 101parcelles and 44,970 new trees. What translate as an overall number of 915 plots and 444 628 olive trees for the entire region in 2016. Moreover, the volume of aboveground biomass measured for only 50 olive trees is estimated at about 6,187,018 m3 of fresh plant material. Finally, leaf area 8340.51m2 for only 4 olives measured. en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.subject Biomass plant en_US
dc.subject olive en_US
dc.subject size en_US
dc.subject leaf area en_US
dc.subject plant volume en_US
dc.subject الكتلة الحیوی en_US
dc.subject مساحة الورقة en_US
dc.subject المساحة en_US
dc.subject شجرة الزیتون en_US
dc.subject حجم النبات en_US
dc.subject Biomasse végétale en_US
dc.subject olivier en_US
dc.subject superficie en_US
dc.subject surface foliaire en_US
dc.subject volume végétal en_US
dc.title Evaluation du Volume de la Biomasse Aérienne de l’Olivier –cas des oliveraies de Sig de la Wilaya de Mascara en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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