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Parcourir Publications internationales - منشورات دولية par sujet "BFP; BMI; VO2max; physiological; soccer player"

Parcourir Publications internationales - منشورات دولية par sujet "BFP; BMI; VO2max; physiological; soccer player"

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  • Zerf Mohammed, Bengoua Ali, Mokkedes Moulay Idriss Boras Fatima Zohar, Benali Gourar, (Acta Facultatis Educationis Physicae Universitatis Comenianae, 2018-11-22)
    The purpose of the current study was to evaluate the Aerobic endurance training as indicators of physiological training status among male soccer players. A total of 138 well-trained first division soccer players under 18 ...

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