دفتر التربص الميداني للتدريب الرياضي 2024, دفتر التربص الميداني للتدريب الرياضي 2024(معهد التربية البدنية و الرياضية جامعة عبد الحميد بن باديس مستغـــانـــم, 2024-01-10)
اتفاقية التربص الخاصة بالطالب و المؤسسة التربيوية, اتفاقية التربص الخاصة بالطالب و المؤسسة التربيوية(معهد التربية البدنية و الرياضية جامعة عبد الحميد بن باديس مستغـــانـــم, 2023-10-15)
اتفاقية التربص الخاصة بالطالب و المؤسسة التربيوية2024
دفتـــــــر التربــــص الميــــــــــداني, دفتـــــــر التربــــص الميــــــــــداني(معهد التربية البدنية و الرياضية جامعة عبد الحميد بن باديس مستغـــانـــم, 2022-09-12)
The essential oil obtained by hydrodistillation from the aerial part of Ammi visnaga L., harvested in the northwest of
Algeria was analyzed and its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory activities were studied. 26 compounds ...
The Ninth international conference :, The status of science and techniques of physical activities And sports in the community «Future challenges»(University of Abdel Hamid Iben Badis Mostaganem and The optimization Laboratory physical activity programs, 2019-11-04)
Recently, there has been an increasing interest in physical and sports activities that people accept and attach great importance to their daily lives, believing their importance to them as an individual in society, as well ...
Artemisia herba-alba Asso is a medicinal plant used widely in Algerian folk medicine for the treatment of several diseases. The present
work is aimed to elucidate the chemical composition of essential oil (EO) of Artemisia ...
Background: Lawsonia inermis Linn (Lythraceae), commonly known as “Henna” is a medicinal plant, which is widely used as a folk remedy and for its cosmetic properties.
Objective: The objective of this present work was ...
Benguenab, Asma; Chibani, Abdelwaheb(Ecological Society of China. Published by Elsevier B.V, 2020-10-25)
The use of microorganisms for remediation and restoration of hydrocarbons contaminated soils is an effective
and economic solution. The current study aims to find out efficient telluric filamentous fungi to degrade petroleum ...
Dou, Abdelbasset(La Nouvelle Publication Universitaire (NPU), 2021)
This work attempts to discuss the challenges that the Algerian educational system encounters while keeping pace with the modern approaches of teaching. It further provides some recommendations to teachers, learners, educators ...
La recherche vise à évaluer et valider un protocole de réhabilitation fonctionnel en Activité physique adaptée chez les personnes atteintes de lombalgie, où nous avons adopté l'utilisation de la méthode expérimentale sur ...
Abstract : La recherche vise à évaluer et valider un protocole de réhabilitation fonctionnel en Activité physique adaptée chez les personnes atteintes de lombalgie, où nous avons adopté l'utilisation de la méthode expérimentale ...
The present study aimed to extract polyphenols from pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) peel extract (PPE) by maceration
using three different solvants: acetone 70%, ethanol 70% and methanol 70% (v/v). The antioxidant capacity ...
ZATOUT, Asma; DJIBAOUI, Rachid; KASSAH-LAOUAR, Ahmed(official publication of the African Society for Clinical Microbiology, 2019-10-05)
Contexte: Les staphylocoques à coagulase négative (CoNS) sont une flore microbienne normale présente sur la
peau et les muqueuses humaines des mammifères. Considérés depuis longtemps comme des commensales
avirulentes, ...
Faced with many failures in the elimination of CoNS pathogens, we aimed to find an effective agent to
eradicate these bacteria. In the present study we tested 20 isolates of CoNS collected from the Anti-Cancer
Center of ...
To promote the nutritional and pharmacological values of four sea cucumber species (Holothuria poli, H. tubulosa, H. arguinensis, and H. sanctori), harvested from the Algerian coast, we aimed to study their proximate ...
Boukedjouta, Rachid; Tobia, Pretto; Miriam, Abbadi; Lorena, Biasini; Anna, Toffan; MEZALI, Karim(Journal of Fish Disease, 2020-04-30)
This work describes betanodavirus infection in two species of groupers (family Serranidae) from the Algerian coast: the dusky grouper Epinephelus marginatus and
the golden grouper Epinephelus costae. At necropsy, ...