The study aimed to design acombined test to measure skills performance among the Algerian junior football players based on scientific basis. Adding to the establishment of set of standard grades for skills combined tests to approve the junior players level acting in the Algerian clubs.The research sample was selected among junior players acting in the Algerian clubs of the first and second league. After the initial design of the combined test, it was applied on a sample composed of ten (10) players in order to recognize its validity in an exploratory experience where some adjustments were held on this test then a second exploratory experience was conducted on 17/03/2015 at Berrassistadium located in Saida on 30 players from MC Saida divided in three equal age groups: U17, U20, U21.The purpose was specify thescientific bases of the test. There were many results ,but the most important was that the designed skills test was maily marked by its high grade of truth and reliability which means that the test was designed according to a set of correct and scientific methods.