The quality requirements of composts currently require a large number of physico-chemical characterization so our objectives have been to study composting processes and to develop a simple and effective method for monitoring the chemical evolution of compost.
Our study focused on 3 monthe windrow composting consisting of a mixture of sheep manure from the farm. Compost were characterized by physicochemical parameters coupled with a statistical study (temperature evolution, pH evolution, humidity test, electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, total cation, nitrogen analysis, C / N ratio and carbon analysis and organic matter.
Finally to provide a useful product, the compost, for the soil and minimize or eliminate any risk of likely contamination must be managed on the one hand the phase of decomposition or stabilization of organic components, and ensure a good maturation of the product on the other hand.
The composts showed that the analytical results were too variable to be considered acceptable by the agricultural profession.