This studywasconducted in the region of Mostaganem with the aim of characterizingphenotypically
and morphologicalcharacters.
The domestication of an animal or plant speciesis the acquisition, loss or development of new and
hereditarymorphological, physiological or behavioralcharactersresultingfromprolonged interaction,
control or evendeliberateselection of the species. part of the man
The origin of domesticsheepremainsuncertain. A large number of wildspeciesmaybe the ancestor of
the currentsheep . The conformation of farmanimalscanbejudged by twomethods: pointing and
takingmeasurements The resultsobtainedfrom the measurementsrevealedthat the ovine population
of the OuledDjellalbreed has a large morphologynoted by the heightat the hindquarterwidth in the
individuals of the studied population in comparisonbetween the two sexes and withthat of other