Harmful to livestock sectors in Algeria, particularly cattle since 2014 and, before its
resurgence in 2018 for the first time the sheep flock, foot-and-mouth disease, a compulsory
notifiable disease is a highly contagious viral infection, and a first-class health hazard
.Because this disease is of its extreme contagiousness and its high morbidity rate, subject to
an emergency response plan.
The disease constitutes a formidable economic scourge because it a sequel into losses in
production due to serious with on the animal rendering at the end a non-economic value
constraints of reproduction, influencing the rate of production in term of fertility, growth,
lactation and food efficiency.
Although the mortality generated in cattle is relatively low, this was not the case in sheep
witch were were hit for the first time by this epizootic in Algeria during the end of 2018 and
at the beginning of 2019. Due to the high neonatal mortality as well as the abortions observed
during the disease, we considered that it will be interesting to study the impact of this virus
on the fertility of sheep. The literature concerning the mode of contamination, epidemiology,
physiopathology, semiology, and vaccination of FM was reviewed. This dissertation of
epizootic of the wilayas of Tiaret and Tissemsilt where the density of animals is very high
which counted about two millions and a half of sheeps and through witch approaches the
disease spread rapidly. Based on the data provided by the veterinary inspections of the
agricultural services directorates and by carrying out on-farm field investigations in the
region, we have highlighted the impact of the foot-and-mouth disease virus on pregnant ewe
and also, corroborating the series of the abortions, genital complications in aborted or lambed
ewes, non-deliveries, metritis , and neonatal mortalities ,including young lambo contracting
the disease during the suckling of ewe’s milk auditing to this serological tests which showed a
high prevalence of foot-and-mouth disease.