In the past few decades has narrowed the scope of the minimum size of a transistor according to Moore's Law. But now further downsizing of a MOSFET is facing challenges such as SCE (short channel effects), the gate insulator tunnel. To overcome these challenges and FinFET, which is a type of device mitigate, is a promising device structure. FinFET technology and has the caliber to continue Moore's Law. FinFET and began to replace the MOSFETs traditional. Consists of our work in visualization and simulation of the characteristics of the transistor FinFET and nanometric to double the network level by means of the program of digital simulation of the process and devices Silvaco-TCAD, we can then by means of the same program, different technological parameters of our being, and thus to study the effect of these changes on the electrical characteristics of our DG- NFinFET