A study of the diet of Holothuria poli from the southwestern Mediterranean Sea (Stidia, Mostaganem) was carried out at a depth of 3 m during four seasons in order to gain an idea of the variation of the different trophic sources used and appreciated by this sea cucumber species. H. poli feeds on plants and animals, although diatoms constitute its most consumed food source. H. poli consumes large amounts of cyanophyceae in summer and algae in spring. The dead or living leaves of the seagrass Posidonia are also part of the diet of H. poli, but only in small proportions. In terms of animals consumed, foraminifera constitute the most important resource. A relatively large amount of sponge fragments, however, was observed in the digestive tract of H. poli.
In addition, crustaceans are widely consumed in spring while nematodes and bivalve mollusc fragments are less consumed.