In schoolcanteens, hygienerules and foodsafety are essential, especiallywhenitcomes to children, you have to takeintoconsiderationwhatis on their plates and how theywere made, as is the case withourstudy of the hygiene and foodsafety of schoolcatering in the town of Mazagran to assessitssanitary quality.
The objective of thisworkis to determine the quality of the meals and the hygienicquality in a canteenwhichcoversapproximately 250 pupilsfrom 15 to 17 yearsold.
The results of thisstudy show that the majority of students 75% are satisfiedwiththeir establishment and the rest 15% wantthem to be in better conditions (services, hygiene, etc.)
The resultsalso show that the staff follows a hygiene system in the canteen.