The coastline of Mostaganem is part of the Mediterranean coast, so they have almost the same features and characteristics. The coastline is a flourishing area of human activities and urban and tourist gatherings that it circles strongly threatened by anthropogenic pollution by directly affecting existing marine organisms. In this context, we conducted a study to assess the quality and ecological status of the environment using the benthic community of the Mediolittoral floor.
For this, three sites were chosen along the entire coastline of Mostaganem according to their exposure to the various coastal disturbances exerted by humans, including: Stidia, Kharouba and Hadjadj. Several biotic indices have been developed to highlight the structuring of benthic stands, including Specific Richness, Abundance, Shannon Diversity Index (H') and Equitability Index (J').
The results obtained reveal a stand characterized by a diversified organization but remains in a poorly balanced state on all the stations studied with the exception of stations close to the fishing activity of which they show signs of degradation of the environment. These results deserve to be supplemented and confirmed by other physico-chemical and microbiological studies of water, as well as seasonal monitoring of fauna and flora for better monitoring of our marine coasts.