Our study, which took place at the level of a private holding in the Tiaret region,
the productive and reproductive performance of dairy cows. The purpose of the survey
was to
monitor a number of modern dairy cattle imported as Holstein prime-bred heifers and
determine their breeding parameters and milk production.
Visits to the Ben mouhoub farm in Bouchekif –tiaret- during a period of months from
December 2021 to April 2022 on 22 cows for a retrospective study and from April 2021
April 2022 for a prospective study (weekly follow-up).
The study showed that a population of 22 cows, the average age at first calving was 28.14
months 0.82, with a minimum of 27.14 months and a maximum of 29.70 months.
The same study made it possible from meter to meter to highlight the main causes of
during the 2nd lactation within the holding which is fractures and digestive problems.
As regards milk production, the study shows that milk production is in the order of
kg/cow/year in first lactation, and the different average scores of the cows' body
during the different physiological stages, indicating a clear decrease during the 5 months
postpartum, and a progressive increase during the months of gestation.
Keywords: dairy cow, Holstein premium, productive, reproductive, lactation, milk