Pollution means the introduction by humans, directly or indirectly, of substances or energy
into the marine environment (including estuaries). Resulting in deleterious effects to endanger
living resources, marine activities such as fishing, water quality and other related activities.
This study is divided into three chapters, the first includes the presentation of the wilaya of
Mostaganem and the study areas, the second includes material and method, and the last
expresses the results and discussion. we finish our work by a general conclusion where we
found that during the month of April the pH of the sea water of the three sites is in norm on
the other hand the temperature, the concentration of the dissolved oxygen, the concentration
of the chlorides , the nitrate contents and the values of the suspended matter are lower than the
norm, the conductivity of the sea water of the two sites Salamandre and Sidi Medjdoub is in
the standard against that of the city of Sablette is lower than the norm , we finished our study
by the hardness which is too high, it varies from 32 to 40 mg / l.