ُمرّكزةًْ علىْ لوحتيْ "المونالي از"ْ و"العشاءْ الأخير"ْ للفنانْ ليوناردوْ دافنشيْ كنموذجينْ ُملهمين.ْ تضمنْ
الاستعراضْ مفهومْ عصرْالنهضةْ الأوروبيةْ، معْ تسليطْ الضوءْ علىْ نشأتهْا لتيْتعودْلع واملْ متعددةْ مثلْ
التغيراتْ الاقتصاديةْ، الاستقرارْ السياسيْ، اكتشافْ المخطوطاتْ الكلاسيكيةْ، واختراعْ الطباعةْ. كماْ
استعرضتْ المذكرةْ مظاهرْ النهضةْ المتمثلةْ فيْ الاهتمامْ بالإنسانْ، العقلانيةْ والعلمْ، العودةْ للتراثْ
الكلاسيكيْ،والابتكارْوالإبداع. ْ
حيثْ الواقعية،ْالمنظور،ْاللون،ْوالموضوعات،ْوكذلكْ فنْ النحتْ منْ حيثْ الواقعية،ْالموضوعات،ْوالموادْ
موادْ جديدةْ. كماْ استعرضتْ المذكرةْ سيرةْ حياةْ ليوناردوْ دافنشيْ بماْ فيْ ذلكْ مولدهْ ونشأتهْ، دراستهْ
وتكوينهْ العلميْ،تجاربهْ الفنيةْ والعلميةْ،فكرهْوإنجازاتهْ فيْ مجالاتْ مختلفة.ْْ
This paper explores the emergence and evolution of fine art during the European
Renaissance, focusing on Leonardo da Vinci's iconic paintings "Mona Lisa" and "The Last
Supper" as exemplary models. It begins by outlining the concept of the European
Renaissance, highlighting its origins due to various factors such as economic shifts, political
stability, the rediscovery of classical texts, and the invention of printing. The paper also
discusses the manifestations of the Renaissance, reflected in humanism, rationality, science,
the revival of classical heritage, and a spirit of innovation and creativity.
The paper then examines the impact of the Renaissance on fine arts, outlining
transformations in painting in terms of realism, perspective, color, and subject matter. It also
explores changes in sculpture concerning realism, subject matter, and materials used, as well
as in architecture, focusing on the revival of classical elements, the emphasis on proportion
and harmony, and the use of new materials. Additionally, the paper delves into Leonardo da
Vinci's life, discussing his birth and upbringing, education and scientific training, artistic and
scientific endeavors, philosophy, and achievements in various fields.