Aspidochirote sea cucumbers commonly referred to as "sea cucumber" are echinoderms that are very
characteristic in their behavior as "feeders". A study of the feeding behavior of the species Holothuria
arguinensis taken from the locality of Salamander (Mostaganem) at an average depth of -3m.
Our study focuses on two areas: an analysis of the organic matter of the sediment of the three sections
of the digestive tract of these species, the substrate of their biotope, as well as their excrement, in order
to get an idea of their selective capacity for the material organic. As well as an analysis of the diet of
this species.
The sea cucumber studied shows a selective behavior for organic matter, only in March and April. On
the other hand, its diet is very varied and composed mainly of foraminifers, shells of bivalves spicules
of sponges, cyanophyceae, diatoms, algae and leaves (dead and alive) of posidonia. Holothuria
arguinensis prefers the sponge spicules much more.