Plant protection user chemical control, which remains the most appropriate
mean in the fight against natural enemies, plants peppers infested with a Aphis gossypii
are treted with four bio-insecticdes, Azadirachtine, B401, Spinosad and Sincocine with
one dose homologue .The observation are realised on 7 dayes, pests ( the aphids) and
four natural enemies of these pests which are beetles, hoverflies, parasitoïde, and
midges in the adult level.
The results revealed that three bio-insecticides (Azadirachtine ,Sincocine and
spinosad) cause mortality,naturel enemies (labybirds and horverflies) are weakly
sensitive to thres products ; however,parasitoide and midges are very sensitive Also the
B401 have not any effect during the results.