DSpace Repository

Sciences de la Matière - علوم المادة

Sciences de la Matière - علوم المادة


Recent Submissions

  • Gericota, Manuel; Vaz Fidalgo, André; Barataud, Denis; Andrieu, Guillaume; De Craemer, Renaat; Criste, Mihai; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim; Ankrim, Mohammed; Bouchlaghem, Karim; Ferreira, Paulo (2015-03-18)
    The EOLES course is the main result of an innovative and ground-breaking TEMPUS project, focused in Engineering Education. It covers all the problematic areas of Engineering Education, trying of find a suitable compromise ...
  • Vaz Fidalgo, André; Gericota, Manuel; Barataud, Denis; Andrieu, Guillaume; De Craemer, Renaat; Criste, Mihai; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim; Ankrim, Mohammed; Bouchlaghem, Karim; Ferreira, Paulo (2014-04-03)
    The EOLES (Electronics and Optics e-Learning for Embedded Systems) project is a 3-year joint project involving 15 institutions, four from Europe and eleven from the North African countries of Algeria, Morocco, and Tunisia, ...
  • Vaz Fidalgo, André; Gericota, Manuel; Barataud, Denis; Andrieu, Guillaume; De Craemer, Renaat; Criste, Mihai; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim; Ankrim, Mohammed; Bouchlaghem, Karim; Ferreira, Paulo (2014-02-26)
    This paper describes the concept, methodology and first steps of an EU supported TEMPUS project EOLES (Electronics and Optics e-Learning for Embedded Systems). Its aim is the creation of a 3rd year Bachelor degree that ...
  • Adda Benattia, Abderrahmane; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim; Moussa, Mohammed; Mebrouka, Abdelhamid (16th International Conference on Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation (REV2019), 2019-02-03)
    Most of currently remote laboratories implementations include interactive experimentation. In this case, students use real devices and equipment to perform real experiments, which need some flexibility of interaction with ...
  • Farah, said; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim; Neveux, G; Barataud, D (2012-12-10)
    This paper presents architectures for remote control of different conventional interfaces other than the RJ45 Ethernet port. Instruments equipped with local control interface, such as the RS232 serial port, GPIB port or ...
  • Adda Benattia, Abderrahmane; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim; Moussa, Mohammed (2017-07-03)
    In the last decade, performing experimentation over remote laboratory became possible. Therefore, pedagogical scheme must be adequate for this new situation. Otherwise, the whole system must be revised. This paper ...
  • Adda Benattia, Abderrahmane; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim; Moussa, Mohammed (Springer International Publishing AG, part of Springer Nature 2019, 2018-03-23)
    In the last few years, performing experimentation over remote laboratory became a reality. In fact, for managing a large class, this new situation needs some appropriate pedagogical scheme. Else, the entire system must be ...
  • Mohammed MOUSSA; Abdelhalim Benachenhou (2019)
    L’université du XXIème siècle est appelée à s’adapter à son environnement caractérisé par évolution rapide, une numérisation qui touche tous les domaines et de la vie quotidienne et une mondialisation qui fait abstraction ...
  • Mohammed Moussa; Abdelhalim Benachenhou; Abderrahmane Adda Benatia (2017)
    Online laboratories are an innovative solution for providing hands-on experience in the STEM Education. A large number of students are using remote laboratories (RL) to meet their practical needs and enriching their learning. ...
  • Adda Benattia, Abderrahmane; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim (International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL) (pp. 1-3). IEEE., 2015-11-19)
    With the rapid growth of Internet and computers networks, high educational institutions become able to provide some educational material remotely. The recent development of mobile technologies enables this educational ...
  • Adda Benattia, Abderrahmane; Benachenhou, Abdelhalim (International Conference on Interactive Mobile Communication Technologies and Learning (IMCL2014) (pp. 373-375). IEEE., 2014-11-13)
    Computers networks and Internet enabled high educational institutions to provide some educational material. With the recent growth of mobile technologies, this educational material can be accessed via mobile devices such ...