Our study examined the effect of climate on the phenotype of the animal (Helix aspersa). It
involved 02 different sites, including 200 snails, all collected from one place. And divided
into two groups in two different places in terms of climate.
After a full study and daily recordings, the difference is estimated at two sites of each variable
The total sums of live snails is equal to 12.98 g. Live weights 0.13 g. The mean diameters of
the shells at 0.21 cm. The mean of the heights of the shells is equal to 0.04 cm. The average
sizes of shells 0.44 cm². The total sums of shell weights is 4.33 g. Average weight of the
shells is 0.13 g. Total sums of torpedo weights 8 g. And the average weight of the twisters is
0.08 g.
The results of statistical analysis, a significant difference in the size of snails P <0.001, unlike
the other variables did not record a significant difference.
The reason may be due to the duration of the study (one month), is considered not enough
time to note changes or For climate change due to warming of the unstable planet and