Our work focused on two parts. The first is the study of the influence of abiotic factors (environment, temperature, humidity, pH) on mycelial growth and sporulation. The second concerns the study of the activity of the polyphenolic extract from a medicinal plant and aromatic Salvia officinalis (Lamiaceae), "in vitro" and "in vivo". The results of the study of the influence of abiotic factors have enabled us to finish the optimum conditions for good growth and sporulation of mycelial Verticillium sp. The test results "in vitro" effect of the sage on the mycelial growth and sporulation shows a correlation between the doses of extracts and inhibition rates. Indeed, the higher the dose of the extract, the greater mycelial growth is low. In vivo, not only methanoic extract of sage leaves showed no preventive effect, but appears to amplify the aggressiveness of the isolates.