The purpose of this study is to examine the effect of the knowledge base and skillful
memory in handball refereeing error detection tasks between the different actors of the
discipline, players and referees, to locate the level of expertise of the first group than the second
group. Participants are three groups of 12 referees each one, of three different levels (Expert,
Competent and Novice), and other group of 12 Expert players. Their task was to respond
correctly, by detecting the presence or absence of faults; justifying this response and
administering the appropriate sanction, at the end of the course of each game sequences
presented in video twice (priming for repetition), to consider: 1º, the effect of the knowledge
base – study phase - and, 2º, the effect of the expert memory – test phase. We hypothesized a
lack of differences between the performance of Expert players and referees in the error
detection task in terms of Relevance Response and Response Coherence back sequences when
the second presentation. Analysis of the data shows the performance for the Expert groups
(referees, players) on the referees (Novices, Competent). We infer these results to the knowledge
base and skillful memory effect. This agrees partially with the classical results on cognitive
expertise in the sporting context or chess (Gobet, 1993).