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تأثير الرضا الوظيفي على أداء الموارد البشرية

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dc.contributor.author بلطاش, إلهام
dc.date.accessioned 2019-10-02T14:17:34Z
dc.date.available 2019-10-02T14:17:34Z
dc.date.issued 2019
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/12882
dc.description.abstract Job satisfaction is one of the topics that captured the attention of many writers and thinkers in the field of Business Administration, because most people spend a large part of their lives at work and therefore it is important to look for job satisfaction and its role in their personal lives and professional, and affect job satisfaction heavily on the behavior and performance of human resources, it is also an important motivation towards outstanding achievement and the consequent benefit for organizations and workers. It has been shown in our study applied by measuring and evaluating job satisfaction and performance in the public health establishment of proximity " Krim Al-Arbi Abdelkader " MOHAMMADIA - MASCARA en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject إدارة الموارد البشرية، الرضا الوظيفي، الأداء الوظيفي en_US
dc.title تأثير الرضا الوظيفي على أداء الموارد البشرية en_US
dc.title.alternative المؤسسة العمومية الإستشفائية للصحة الجوارية المحمدية معسكر en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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