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Influence des mammites sur la production laitière d'une exploitation

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dc.contributor.author HARZALLAH, Mohamed Ismail
dc.date.accessioned 2020-12-13T12:46:15Z
dc.date.available 2020-12-13T12:46:15Z
dc.date.issued 2020-10-08
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/16151
dc.description.abstract Mastitis is the pathology with the greatest economic impact in dairy farming. The objective of our work is to assess the impact of mastitis on milk production, In this study we are based on the study of Mtaallah et al, 2002, S taub et al 2013 and Fartas et al 2017. The results of Fartas et al 2017 evaluated milk production losses of 9.7% in affected cows. Staub et al. (2013) recorded an average reduction of 13% from pre-mastitis production. Mtaallah et al, 2002 observed losses of 8.25% in theoretical milk production. These pathogens cause a significant drop in milk production and irreversibly alter the teat and mammary gland of animals affected by clinical mastitis. A careful visit of the installations and a precise observation of the breeding practices are necessary. Compliance with hygienic conditions on farms, in order to prevent the appearance and spread of the main pathologies, in particular mastitis. en_US
dc.language.iso fr en_US
dc.subject Mastitis en_US
dc.subject milk production en_US
dc.subject fall en_US
dc.subject hygienic condition. en_US
dc.title Influence des mammites sur la production laitière d'une exploitation en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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