The study aimed to identify the procedures used to manage the general budget of the Western Quarries Corporation. The role of the general budget is not complete merely by preparing, approving and implementing it. Rather, ...
Oversight of the implementation of the state’s general budget is the last stage that the state’s general budget goes through. It is called the stage of oversight of the implementation of the general budget, as it is subject ...
This study highlights the importance of financial analysis in diagnosing the financial condition of an enterprise by utilizing various financial analysis techniques, including financial ratios and indicators. The aim is ...
تهدؼ ىذه الدراسة إلذ تسليط الضوء على دور جودة القوائم الدالية في ترشيد إبزاذ القرارات الدالية في الدؤسسة
الإقتصادية - دراسة حالة بدؤسسة ملاحات مرواف إنسيغة الدغتَ ، ففي الجانب النظري تم توضيح مفاىيم أساسية
لجودة القوائم ...
This memorandum addresses the issue of tax control and its role
in tax collection based on the reality of the Algerian tax system
and the challenges that this system faces due to several
obstacles, the most prominent ...
The objective of this study on tax audit aims to examine in detail the processes, practices and results of tax audit carried out by the tax administration to identify errors, omissions and deficiencies in tax practices. ...
تعد المكاتب المحاسبية من أهم المكاتب التي تعتمد عليها الدولة لتحقيق الالتزامات الجبائية ، تم تناول هذا الموضوع في دراسة على دور المكاتب المحاسبية في تلبية الالتزامات المحاسبية، تم التطرق في الدراسة إلى تطور النظام المحاسبي ...
تلعب المؤسسات المالية دورا محوريا في دعم المشاريع المقاولاتية، ويبرز بنك الفلاحة والتنمية الريفية في ولاية مستغانم في هذا السياق. يوفر البنك قروضا استثمارية وتشغيلية لدعم المؤسسات المالية، مما يعزز التنمية الاقتصادية ويخلق ...
The studyaimed to shed light on the role of the information system in improving the performance of the organization as a means of transferring vital information to the actorsthroughitselementswhichinlude inputs. Processing. ...
This dissertation deals with the problem of tax evasion and fraud, where this phenomenon has been analyzed with methods and techniques of their treatment and their relationship with external changes, where all countries ...
This study aims to highlight the role of financial analysis in decision-making. Financial analysis is the process of processing available financial data of institutions to obtain information used in decision-making and ...
This thesis focuses on examining the impact of accounting audit on the quality of financial statements. The audit aims to assess and analyze the financial records and operations of the institution with a view to ascertaining ...
Our study aims to shed light on the analytical accounting system and its role in determining the pricing policy of the economic institution, by addressing analytical accounting, or what is called cost accounting. We also ...
Through the study we have researched what wages are in the economic enterprise, and the study has explored and presented the most important concepts of wages, and the most prominent elements of them, in order to achieve ...
يُعد الإفصاح المحاسبي عنصراً أساسياً في النظام المحاسبي، حيث يُتيح للمستخدمين الخارجيين تكوين صورة واضحة ودقيقة عن المركز المالي والأداء المالي للشركة. تلعب جودة المعلومات المحاسبية دورًا هامًا في اتخاذ القرارات الاقتصادية ...
تناولنا في بحثنا هذا، أثر تطبيق نظام الضريبة الجزافية الوحيدة، بحيث كان النظام الجزافي السابق يعتمد على ثلاثة أنواع من الضرائب و هي : الضريبة على الدخل الاجمالي (صنف الارباح التجارية و الصناعية)، الرسم على النشاط المهني و ...
This study aims to highlight the role of accounting disclosure in improving the quality of financial statements, as accounting disclosure is considered an effective means of communicating the results of the organization’s ...
This study examines the management control system at Algeria Telecom in the Mostaganem province. It aims to evaluate the effectiveness of this system and identify the challenges and opportunities associated with its ...
The study aims to shed light on the reality of financial control and its role in managing the municipal budget expenditures, especially the control of public expenditures, as it has become a problem faced by the state in ...
The study aimed to estimate the extent to which Algerian institutions apply the financial accounting system and its ability to generate high-quality information that contributes to activating corporate governance and to ...