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The reasons behind the Brexit Referendum of 2016

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dc.contributor.author Kouriche, Djamel Eddine
dc.date.accessioned 2019-02-20T15:14:39Z
dc.date.available 2019-02-20T15:14:39Z
dc.date.issued 2017
dc.identifier.uri http://e-biblio.univ-mosta.dz/handle/123456789/9873
dc.description.abstract The present dissertation aims at analyzing the reasons behind the Brexit referendum of 2016 from the European Union perspective and the impact of Brexit on economy, the Foreign Investement and Immigrants and refugees under the government of David Cameron and Therisa may. This study is divided into three chapters. The first chapter focuses on the background or the atmosphere in which these relationship between Britain and EU based on and brief study not only to the European Union ,but also to the United Kingdom ,besides in this chapter we focus on the term Brexit where it derived from? The relationship between Britain and the rest of Europe before the 19th century and during the 20th century. However, the second chapter explains the reasons of Britain entry to the EU and Why General De Gaule refused the membership of UK and we shed light on the UK as a member in EU,from one side The reasons of UK leaving EU and The referendum of 2016,and from another side The referendum results and the Procedures that Britain will follow after referendum by explaining Lisbon Treaty and Article 50 with its contents and steps of UK leaving the EU focusing on the brexit negotiation. Moreover, the third chapter discuses Life after Brexit: What are the UK’s options outside the European Union? and The consequences of Brexit for UK trade and living standards and The impact of Brexit on foreign investment in the UK and Brexit and the impact of immigration on the UK and Refugees issue and The Brexit will cause problems for Britain's economy. en_US
dc.description.sponsorship Mr Sebbah Djamel en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject United Kingdom en_US
dc.subject Brixit referendum, 2016 en_US
dc.subject Causes en_US
dc.subject Impact en_US
dc.subject Economy en_US
dc.subject Society en_US
dc.subject Immigration en_US
dc.title The reasons behind the Brexit Referendum of 2016 en_US
dc.title.alternative its impact on Economy, Living Standards and Immigration en_US
dc.type Other en_US

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