Mémoires de Master: Recent submissions

  • MERABTA, Abd Latif (2017)
    This research examines the British and the American Bills of Rights, I will begin with the English Bill of Rights. I will take a closer look at why the document was issued? What the document represents and the influence ...
  • MOULAY, Batoul (2017)
    This dissertation entitled « The English Feminist Movement 1850-1950 », is very essential topic to talk about “feminism” in general. is the belief in social, political, and economic equality within sex. Particularly, ...
  • Belaid, Hafsa (2017)
    The fact that Britain nowadays a multicultural and a multiracial society is an indisputable reality. This is mainly the outcome of successive waves of immigrants from the new Common Wealth countries. History has witnessed ...
  • Chamekh, Larbi (2018)
    This book examines British rule in India or India during and after British colonial rule. Divided into three chapters. The first chapter deals with the historical context of India and the way in which the British colonization ...
  • Saadaoui, Halima (2017)
    From old labour to new labour was pass for many phase .New Labour may be totally distinctive to of age Labour. It will additionally make fundamental with define history of the labour party .I will explain how the labour ...
  • KHELIFI, Fatima Zohra (2017)
    By the early of the 17th century Europe saw the rise of many movements and cults. The so called British- Israel or Anglo Israelism is one of these cults which in its function aims to identify Britain and the British ...
  • Aouad, Yassine (2017)
    Islam as a religion is considered since old as the world of terrorism and terrorists by almost the west countries. In this latter, people inherited wrong ideas about Islam, that is why Muslims all over the world are disliked ...
  • TALBI, ILHEME (2017)
    This study aims at presenting the different racial obstacles and kinds of discrimination that the black Americans suffered from, starting with the bad treatments under slavery to racism and the different racial segregation ...
  • Khrais, Khadidja (2017)
    Throughout the twentieth century, British politics saw major transformations in which various political parties came to implement similar policies. In fact, Thatcherism shook British politics and had a profound impact on ...
  • SELMA, WARDA (2017)
    The Malvinas /Falklands War was fought in 1982 between the United Kingdom and Argentina over the sovereignty of a small group of islands in the South Atlantic. This thesis uses a historical case study approach to excamine ...
  • Meghezzi, Nadia (2017)
    The present dissertation aims at analyzing the rise and fall of the British Social Reforms under the name of “the welfare state”, during the Labour Party Government in the period of 1945-51. This study is divided into three ...
  • Belzerrouk, Nadjat (2018)
    The fundamental of this study is to present you the rise and fall of Jeremy Corbyn leadership. The ideological roots of labour party in united kingdom. You will able to understand how labour party was began in 19c , then ...
  • Besselma, Wahiba (2017)
    The aim of this thesis is to analyze the historical evolution of Anglo-American special relationship the ups and downs of the special relationship during the twentieth century. This relationship was a subject of much ...
  • Benzaama, Sara Lelloucha (2017)
    The aim of the present paper is to investigate and identify the roles of British Women during the Second World War 1939_1945. The thesis details the ways in which Women were experienced a variety of roles from country to ...
  • BOUCHEKIFA, Ikrame (2017)
    Present study is an attempt to prove that Great Reformation in Britain since sixteenth century , strumming from the European Renaissance, the rise of humanism, under the name of Great schism from the Roman Catholic Church ...
  • TOUAIBIA, Sara (2017)
    The issue of the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union is one of the most important issues in the history of Britain in particular, and in Europe in general. The European Union received the news of ...
  • Kouriche, Djamel Eddine (2017)
    The present dissertation aims at analyzing the reasons behind the Brexit referendum of 2016 from the European Union perspective and the impact of Brexit on economy, the Foreign Investement and Immigrants and refugees ...
  • MOHAMMEDI, Siheme (2017)
    This thesis consists of three chapters. All of them are linked by our desire to have better understandings about Multiculturalism in Britain. It examines the situation and the issues of Mu lticulturalism in Britain. ...
  • CHERETI, Wafa (2017)
    The period from 1950 to 2016 was a kind of default between the European Union and the United Kingdom. The purpose of this study is to illustrate the main causes of British violence leave and the relationship between the ...
  • Salaa, Mohamed (2017)
    This work is going to deal with two political system of two major countries in the world, which are Great Britain and the United States of America , and what are similarities and differences between the two political ...

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